The bible-summary package provides a comprehensive set of functions to interact with summaries of Bible chapters. Below is a detailed documentation of the available functions and their usage.
pip install bible-summary
Loads the book data from the JSON files in the package.
Returns the summary of a specific chapter in a given book.
get_summary('Genesis', '1')
Returns a list of all books available in the package.
Returns a list of chapters for a given book.
Returns a random chapter from a given book or from the whole Bible if no book is specified. Optionally includes the summary.
Returns a random chapter from a given category (e.g., Gospels, Letters). Optionally includes the summary.
Returns the total number of chapters in a given book.
Returns the summaries for a range of chapters in a given book.
get_summary_range('Genesis', 1, 5)
Returns the summaries for all chapters in a given book.
Searches for summaries containing a specific keyword. Optionally restricts the search to a given book.
search_summaries('creation', 'Genesis')
Returns a list of all categories available in the package.
Returns a random chapter from a given category. Optionally includes the summary.
Returns the total number of chapters in the Bible.
Returns the total number of books in the Bible.